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Playing In The Wind:


If the wind is directly at you or directly away from you,

add or subtract 1/3 (33%) of the MPH.



The hole is 165 yards

Head wind of 24 MPH

1/3 (33%) of 24 = 8

Add 8 yards to 165 = 172 yards



If the wind is at a 45 deg. angle, add or subtract 1/4 (25%) of MPH. 



The hole is 150 yards with a 45 deg. head wind of 12 MPH

1/4 (25%) of 12 = 3

Add 3 yards to 150 = 153


Distance will play a factor.

The shorter the distance the less it matters.


Ball spin will play a factor.

Backspin will make the ball go higher so the wind will effect it a little more.


Golf Clubs and Golf Balls will play a factor

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